
Tax in Professional Services: Is It Just More of the Same?

I recently met a new Big 4 partner contact for coffee.

We talked about the market, their new hiring strategy, and how Big 4 firms can really distinguish themselves from their competitors.

And I started telling this partner how, in my experience, all of the Big 4s (as with most other firms) sing from the same hymn sheet when asked what makes them great and why candidates should join them. They’ll all tell you:

  • how diverse & inclusive they are
  • how they embrace flexible working
  • that they have a “great culture” (as if we all have a universal agreement on what constitutes a “great culture”)
  • how they support career progression and learning & development

All of the above is apparently what makes their firm “unique” but, in reality, is what makes all firms seem exactly the same to those on the outside.

Talk about the individual journeys & experiences

For me, what really adds value to those toying with a move is understanding the unique journeys and experiences of those within the firm – and in particular, the journey of the partner they’ll be working for.

You could have two people, both working for the same firm, and one could absolutely hate it whilst the other thinks it’s the best thing since sliced bread. Why? People work for managers, not companies. Yes, the company you work for creates the infrastructure of various workplace institutions but, ultimately, it’s the hiring manager that really defines employee experience.

So when I was having a morning coffee with this Big 4 partner, we deep dived into her own journey. And what was unique (yes, the go-to adjective for those who are selling an employer) about this partner is that she joined as a graduate 15 years ago and has demonstrated a text book career in her ascent to partnership. In this day and age, where people move around jobs so frequently and the indirect tax profession grapples with such a candidate short market, it really is ‘unique’ to see someone remain impervious to the countless headhunts and taps on the shoulder from competitors.

So why has she stayed so loyal for 15 years?

There were a variety of things mentioned but, ultimately, it all boiled down to “the people”. Here are some quotes that I scribbled down whilst she elaborated:

“I love that I get to work in a business where everyone wants to succeed.”

“We have a team that encourages you to be entrepreneurial and follow your nose. It’s this that has enabled me to explore various specialisms over the years and then build my partner case.”

“I’ve only ever seen a team here that’s completely in it together. We all challenge each other and know that we’ve got a fantastic support network behind us.”

Yes, there were various other factors that influenced a 15+ year career in one firm for this partner. But what really stood out in her journey was just how great the people were.

So why are the individual stories important?

I’ve heard countless times over the years from those in practice that making a move will just be the same job, different firm – or as some have more aptly put it: “same s**t, different firm”. And I totally get it. Most firms do need to sharpen their tools when distinguishing themselves in a competitive market. Visit the career page of any random firm and it’ll become understandable why so many assume it’s going to be much of the same (and it’s therefore little surprise why so many feel their only option is to go in-house!).

But if you’re a tax professional working in professional services, I can tell you that all of these firms really are so different – for right or wrong reasons. And beyond that, every partner creates an entirely new employee experience.

There is a firm for you out there.

There is a partner out there that you’ll hit it off with.

So don’t hang up the professional services gloves too prematurely. My team and I at Harvey John work hard to ensure we dive deep behind the waffle so that we can present you with tailored solutions in your job search. All you’ve got to do is reach out if you’d like to see if there’s a firm for you.

If you’d like to know what makes the people at this Big 4 firm great, I’d be happy to share insights from my coffee meeting with the Indirect Tax Partner.

If you’d like to speak with a member of the Harvey John Tax Team, you can reach out to:

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